Senin, 26 September 2011

Wakil Speech Contest

Teng...teng...teng...teng...teng.. jam berbunyi lima kali. Kokok ayam terdengar sayup-sayup mengiringi matahari yang mulai terbit. “Aduh...sudah jam lima ya?” Ujar Thea dalam hati.  Thea segera beranjak dari tempat tidur dan merapikan tempat tidurnya. Dia berjalan menuju jendela dan membukanya. Semilir angin pagi yang segar masuk ke dalam kamar Thea.
Kemudian Thea berjalan ke meja belajarnya, mematikan lampu tidur, dan menyalakan lampu neon di langit-langit. Tiba-tiba terdengar pintu diketuk, “Adik...bangun...sudah pagi” terdengar suara ibu dari balik pintu. “Iya bu, aku sudah bangun”, kata Thea. Segera Thea membuka pintu dan melangkah menuju ke ruang makan. “Good morning, Dear.” Sapa ibu. “Ah ibu, bisa aja.” Kata Thea. “Eh, jelek-jelek begini ibu juga bisa bahasa Inggris lho.” Kata ibu. “ Iya,” jawab Thea dengan tersenyum. “Apakah kamu tahu artinya “Good morning”?” Tanya Ibu. “Tahu dong ... Good morning itu artinya …” Kata Thea. Tiba-tiba dari belakang Thea, Kak Santi, menyahut. “Artinya Selamat Pagi.” Sahut kakak. “Yaah, Kakak, dijawab duluan. Aku kan baru mau jawab?” Kata Thea. “Kelamaan sih” Jawab Kakak. “Eh ada apa ini pagi-pagi sudah ribut?” Tanya Bapak.  “Ini lho, Thea ibu beri pertanyaan tentang bahasa Inggris, baru mau dijawab, direbut oleh Santi.” Jawab Ibu. “Sekarang semua mandi dulu sana, setelah itu, kita sarapan sama-sama.” Imbuh Ibu.
Jam menunjukkan pukul 06.15, setelah mandi dan sarapan Santi dan Thea bersiap untuk pergi ke sekolah. Thea membonceng Santi. Kebetulan sekolah mereka berdekatan.
Sampai di sekolah, Thea bergegas menuju ke kelasnya. Di depan kelas Rita dan Alya sudah menunggunya. Rita dan Alya adalah sahabat karib Thea. Mereka berteman sejak masih TK. “Bagaimana bahasa Inggrismu Thea, apa sudah banyak kemajuan?” Tanya Alya begitu Thea meletakkan tasnya. “Off course, siapa dulu dong….Thea.” Jawab Thea sumringah. Tiba-tiba terdengar suara anak perempuan dari arah pintu kelas, “Hei… anak yang sok British, belagu amat sih, ngomong aja pakai bahasa Inggris, norak tahu!” Kata Siska. “Dasar sirik!” Balas Rita, tidak terima temannya dibilang belagu. “Memangnya kenapa kalau Thea bicara pakai bahasa Inggris, dia kan jago bahasa Inggris, tidak seperti kamu!” Imbuh Alya. “Sudah-sudah, tidak usah ditanggapi” Thea berusaha melerai mereka bertiga. “Maaf ya Siska, kalau kata-kataku tadi sudah membuatmu tidak senang.” Kata Thea, “Tidak perlu minta maaf” Tukas Siska “Dengar ya anak yang sok British, jangan pernah berharap Miss Hepi akan memilihmu mewakili sekolah dalam lomba Speech Contest bulan depan. Karena satu-satunya murid yang pantas mewakili itu aku, Siska Handjoyo Puspita Ratri, cucu tersayang dari Handjoyo Kusumo Atmojo, pemilik sekolah ini” Imbuh Siska sambil berlalu meninggalkan mereka bertiga. “ Huh…. Mentang-mentang cucu pemilik sekolah, memangnya dia bisa berlaku seenaknya” Alya berkata dengan nada kesal, “Kamu juga, diperlakukan seperti itu kok diam saja,” tambah Alya sambil menunjuk Thea. “ Lho kok aku sih?” Thea jadi bingung karena Alya merasa kesal kepadanya. “Sudah-sudah, ayo cepat baris, bel masuk sudah berbunyi.” Rita berkata sambil berlari menarik kedua karibnya.
Hari itu pelajaran jam pertama adalah bahasa Inggris. Thea senang sekali, karena selain Miss Hepi adalah guru yang sangat baik dan sabar, Thea juga sangat suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris. “Good morning, student!” Sapa Miss Hepi. “Good morning, Miss Hepi.” Jawab anak-anak serempak. “How are you this morning?” Miss Hepi menambahkan. “I’m fine, thank you and you?” Jawab anak-anak. “I’m fine, too. Thank you” jawab Miss Hepi. Pada akhir pelajaran Miss Hepi mengumumkan tentang lomba pidato bahasa Inggris yang akan dilaksanakan bulan depan. “Miss Hepi akan menunjuk dua anak sebagai kandidat untuk mewakili sekolah kita. Miss Hepi akan melatih kedua calon ini dan menjelang lomba Miss Hepi dan Bapak Handjoyo akan menyeleksi salah satu yang layak menjadi wakil dari sekolah kita dalam perlombaan tersebut.” Miss Hepi menambahkan. “Dan dua calon wakil kita adalah Siska dan Thea” semua murid bersorak dan bertepuk tangan. Ada yang mendukung Siska dan ada yang mendukung Thea. Semua anak terlihat senang kecuali Siska. Dia sangat kesal dan marah karena ternyata dia harus bersaing dengan Thea, yang sangat dia benci. “Miss Hepi berharap kalian berdua berlatih keras selama satu bulan ini, jangan sungkan untuk bertanya ya Siska, Thea” Miss Hepi menambahkan.” Iya Miss Hepi, terima kasih!” sahut keduanya.
Sesampainya di rumah, Thea langsung menceritakan berita hari ini kepada ibunya. “Wah hebat anak ibu” kata ibu. “Iya, tapi Thea harus bisa lebih baik dari Siska, karena sebelum waktu lomba tiba, Miss Hepi dan Bapak Handjoyo akan memilih salah satu diantara kami berdua.” Thea menjelaskan kepada ibu dengan nada sedih. “Lho memangnya kenapa?” Ibu bertanya dengan heran.” Siska itu kan cucunya Pak Handjoyo, bu. Pasti dialah yang akan terpilih nanti.” Jawab Thea. “Ibu yakin kalau Thea mau berlatih keras pasti Thea yang akan terpilih nanti.” Ibu memberi semangat. Mendengar perkataan ibu Thea menjadi bersemangat. “Betul kata ibu.” Imbuh Ayah. Thea pun berjanji dia akan berlatih dengan giat, dia ingin membuat ayah, ibu dan Kak Santi bangga.
Seperti yang telah dijadwalkan Miss Hepi, sepulang sekolah Thea dan Siska harus berlatih bersama Miss Hepi di aula sekolah. Thea adalah anak yang disiplin, dia selalu mengikuti sesi latihan pidato bahasa Inggris dengan Miss Hepi. Thea juga selalu bertanya kepada Miss Hepi jika ia menemukan kata-kata yang sulit diucapkan. Sementara itu Siska selalu bolos jika ada jadwal latihan. Siska selalu beralasan bahwa sepulang sekolah dia harus les balet, les renang, les piano, les ini, les itu. Padahal dia hanya malas saja, karena dia yakin bahwa kakeknya akan menunjukkan menjadi wakil sekolah, jadi untuk apa dia capek-capek latihan.
Tidak terasa waktu sebulan hampir habis. Besok adalah hari penentuan siapa yang akan menjadi wakil sekolah. Thea tidak bisa tidur malam ini. Ia ingin esok cepat tiba. Pagi-pagi benar Thea sudah bangun dan segera bersiap-siap untuk ke sekolah. “Good luck my dear, ibu yakin kamu pasti bisa.” Ibu memberi semangat sebelum Thea berangkat sekolah. “Thank you, mom” sahut Thea. “Aku yakin Thea yang akan terpilih,” Kata Kak Santi. “Thank you, Sister.” Jawab Thea.
Sepulang sekolah Thea dan Siska bergegas menuju aula. Di sana sudah menunggu Miss Hepi dan Pak Handjoyo. Miss Hepi meminta Thea untuk tampil terlebih dahulu. “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the time …” Thea mengucapkan teks pidatonya dengan lancar dan penuh percaya diri, tanpa ada perasaan grogi sedikitpun. Miss Hepi sangat senang karena semua kalimat diucapkan dengan pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang benar. Sekarang giliran Siska untuk tampil. Pada awalnya Siska dapat tampil dengan baik, namun di tengah-tengah banyak kalimat yang dia lupa, bahkan banyak kata-kata yang pengucapannya kurang tepat. Dari penampilan mereka berdua akhirnya diputuskan bahwa Thea yang akan maju mewakili sekolah.
Siska sangat kecewa, dia menangis sekeras-kerasnya. Siska marah kepada kakeknya kenapa kakeknya tidak memilihnya menjadi wakil sekolah. “Siska, kamu sangat sombong. Kakek sudah tahu semuanya dari Miss Hepi. Kamu selalu bolos saat jam latihan dengan berbagai alasan. Sementara Thea adalah anak yang disiplin. Dia selalu berlatih keras, dan kakek bisa melihat hasil dari kerja kerasnya. Seandainya kamu punya sedikit saja sifat disiplin, rajin dan juga rendah hati seperti Thea, kakek yakin kamu pasti bisa lebih baik dari ini” kata pak Handjoyo kepada Siska. Siska pun menyadari kesalahannya selama ini. Dia meminta maaf kepada kakeknya, Miss Hepi dan juga kepada Thea, anak yang selama ini tidak dianggapnya.
Hari perlombaan pun tiba. Ayah, Ibu, dan Kak Santi datang untuk memberi dukungan kepada Thea. Kedua sahabat Thea juga datang. Penampilan Thea memang luar biasa. Thea meraih juara pertama dalam lomba pidato bahasa Inggris. Semua merasa senang, terlebih Thea karena usahanya selama ini tidak sia-sia, dan dia bisa membuat keluarganya, bahkan seluruh sekolah merasa bangga.

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

The Odd Doctor

I have a very good doctor. He knows many other doctors who are specialists. Often he sends me to see them. For example, I call on the telephone for an appointment, and the nurse answers the phone.
“May I have an appointment with the doctor?” I ask.
“When do you want to come?” she asks.
“As soon as possible.” I say.
“This afternoon?” she asks.
I look at the clock. It is a long time to wait.
“Well, all right,” I say. “What time?”
“At two o’clock,” she answers.
“That’s fine,” I say. “Thank you.”
Then I go to see the doctor’s office. I plan carefully to be there on time.
“Doctor,” I say, “I have an earache. It hurts terribly all night.”
The doctor takes an instrument and looks into my ear with a little light.
Then, he sits back in the chair and says, “Yes, I see. You must go to see Dr. White. He is an ear specialist.
The next time I say, “Doctor, my foot is very sore. It hurts when I walk on it. Sometimes the pain is very severe.”
The doctor walks up and down the room.
At last he says, “You must go to see the Dr. Brown. He is a very good foot doctor.”
Another time I call on the telephone. “Something is wrong with my eye. It hurts and it is almost shut. I can’t imagine what is wrong with it.”
My doctor doesn’t say anything for a minute.
Then he says, “I am going to send you to see Dr. Black. He is a very fine eye doctor.”
Many times in cold weather, I have a very sore throat. Then, my doctor sends me to see Dr. Green. He is a famous throat doctor.
Sometimes I think my doctor is strange. He never seems to do much for me. He always sends me to someone else.
There are certain times when not just one part, but my whole body, aches, pain, or hurts. On these days, I do not call my doctor. I do not go to walk with him. In fact, I do not even let him know I am sick.
“What’s the matter with you today? He might ask if I went to see him.
“Oh, doctor, I feel terrible all over, not just one part of me,” I would say.
“I just feel terrible.”
“Well, then,” he might say, “You must go to see Dr. T. He is a terrible doctor!”

How Dog and Cat Becomes Enemy

   Everybody knows that the dog and cat, and the cat and the mouse are not friends. Yet there was a time when these three animals got along very well together.
Here is the story of how they became enemies.
   Once there was a mighty king who ruled over a large and rich country. The fields were green, the cattle were fat and the people were happy. Near the capital, where the king lived, was a large forest. Often the king and his ministers went to the forest to hunt. They never returned home without some animals, which they had caught.
   One day the king went to the forest with his friends and nobles. When they entered the forest they saw a strange sight. Dead deer, and wild goats and pigs were lying all over the ground. All the dead animals were half-eaten. It looked as if a greedy giant had taken a bite here and there.
The king flew into a temper. How could this happen in his kingdom! He ordered his nobles to find out who had killed the animals. But though his nobles searched everywhere, they could not find the culprit. After many hours of searching, they decided to return home. But one of the nobles stayed behind. He hid himself in the midst of some thick bushes.
   Not long after the sun had set, he heard the whirring of mighty wings above the branches of the trees. To his surprise, many animals ran in fright out of the bushes. A moment later, a giant eagle dived down upon them. With his sharp claws and hard beak the huge bird attacked the frightened animals. Soon they all lay dead on the ground. The bird then began to eat them. He ate only the tender parts of the bodies. When he had eaten enough, he spread his great wings and flew up into the sky.
The nobleman told the king all that he had seen. Immediately the king sent soldiers to guard the forest, so that the eagle could not hunt there any more. So the eagle began to attack cattle in the village.
   Every night the villagers found some of their buffaloes, goats or horses killed. Many of the villagers became poor. Without their buffaloes they could not plow their fields, and they could not grow enough rice. They decided to ask the king to help them. The king offered a big reward to anyone who could kill the bird. A few noblemen tried but none of them was clever enough. The great bird swooped down on them so fast they did not have time to strike with their swords. They were torn to pieces by its claws and hard beak. Soon nobody wanted to fight the bird.
   The king did not know what to do. He offered a larger reward but no one wished to lose his life for gold.
One day, the king was in his stable. He was looking at his horses when a messenger came to say that the eagle had killed five buffaloes in a village not far away.
“Oh!” exclaimed the king. “Isn’t there anybody in my kingdom who can kill this monster? I promise that whoever kills this cruel bird will be richly rewarded. I will look upon him as my own brother and he will live in the palace, eat at my table and rule the country with me!”
   It happened that three animals heard what the king said. They were a hunting dog, a stable cat and a field mouse, who were all good friends. At that time, the dog and cat were not thought of as house animals. They were not allowed to enter a house and no one gave them food.
   When the there friends heard the king” s words, they looked at each other and then dog said, “I wish I could kill the eagle. If only he could not fly, I would be able to kill him quite easily.” He bared his strong sharp teeth.
‘I could scratch his eyes and blind him,” hissed the cat. “Then, he would not be able to hunt animals and he would die of hunger. It’s true what Dog said, if he could not fly I too could make him harmless. It would be wonderful to live in the palace,” she said arching her back.
“Perhaps I can help the two of you,” squeaked the mouse. “I can think of a way to stop him flying.” He swished his long tail.
“You!” exclaimed Dog and Cat. “How can a tiny animal like you stop the eagle from flying?”
“I think I can,” insisted the mouse. “Listen, why don’t we work together? I’ll make sure that the eagle cannot fly; Cat will scratch him blind and Dog will kill him. Then, we’ll go together to the king and share the reward.”
Cat and Dog agreed with his plan and the three of them went to the king to ask his permission to kill the eagle together. When he had agreed, the three animals left the palace and went to the forest to look for the eagle.
“I know where the eagle sleeps,” said the mouse. “He always rests in a big tree in the forest. When he’s asleep, I’ll bite off the feathers of his wings. Without wings he will not be able to fly.”
So Mouse led Dog and Cat to a lonely part of the forest where there was a very tall tree. Around the tree there was a clearing covered with grass. The three friends waited in the bushes for the eagle. Soon they heard the flapping of strong wings and then they saw the eagle fly on to a branch of the tree. He had just finished a large meal of goat’s meat and he was sleepy. He closed his eyes and was soon fast asleep.
When he saw that the big bird was asleep, the mouse crept up the trunk of the tree. He crept nearer and nearer until he was between the claws of the eagle. Mouse trembled with fright when he saw the long pointed claws. But he overcame his fear and crept up the feet of the eagle which were thickly covered with down. He moved forward, inch-by-inch, until he was under one of the eagle’s wide wings. With his sharp teeth Mouse went to work. Quietly he bit off all the eagle’s feathers. As soon as he had finished with one wing, he  crept over to the other and did the same. When he had bitten through all the feathers, Mouse went down the tree. He told his friends what he done.
Cat and Dog began to mew and bark under the tree, and called out to the eagle to fight. The bird opened his eyes and angrily looked down at them.
“Who is that?” he asked. “I’ll show you who is master of the forest. When he saw dog and cat running round and round the tree, he opened his wings and tried to fly. Instead, a cloud of feathers whirled from his wings floated down to the ground. The eagle was unable to fly and feel to the ground.
He tried to hop away but Cat jumped at his head. Her sharp claws pierced the bird’s eyes. At the same time Dog jumped on his back and bit into the eagle’s flesh. The eagle beat his useless wings. He tried in vain to use his claws and he also tried to use his beak to peck at Dog and Cat. He rolled over and over on the ground but he could not shake off Dog who finally pierced the eagle’s throat. The once so powerful bird fell motionless on the ground. He was dead!
The three animals returned proudly to the palace. They were tired and dirty but they felt very happy. Mouse, Cat and Dog had proved they could kill the eagle.
The king kept his word. The three friends were allowed to live in the palace and eat the same food as the king. All the ministers treated them with great respect. Everybody in the country said how clever and brave they were.
All this praise and honor changed the three friends. They became boastful. Each one said he was the greatest hero of all.
“I did the most dangerous work,” squeaked Mouse shrilly. “I bit off the eagle’s wings. There was nothing else for Dog to do but bite his throat. And Cat? What did she do? Oh, she just made a lot of noise.”
“How dare you say such a thing!” hissed Cat furiously. “I clawed his eyes. Only then could Dog kill him. I did the most dangerous work!”
“No, that’s not true!” barked Dog angrily. “It was I who killed him. I alone! I bit through his throat with strong teeth! I am the greatest hero!”
And so they started quarrelling. Soon, Cat chased Mouse out of the palace, and Dog fought with Cat whenever they met.
Thus ended the friendship between Dog, Cat and Mouse. Since then the three animals have been enemies, but all three still like to live in the houses of men.
(Taken from: Moral Fables)

A Friend for Jimmy the Porcupine

    Once upon a time, in the dark wood of Nowhere Land there was a porcupine named Jimmy who walked alone. He looked sad. “I am lonely. I don’t have a friend. I want a friend, I need a friend.” He whispered to himself.
    Along the way, he met Donny Squirrel, “Good morning Mr. Squirrel,” said Jimmy. When the squirrel saw him, he ran and climbed the tree. Then, peek down to see Jimmy. “Don’t be scared Mr. Squirrel, I just want to be your friend”, said Jimmy. “I’m sorry; I don’t want to be you friend. You might hurt me with your spines,” replied Donny.
    Jimmy continued his walk. He was still sad. Then, he met Lucy Beaver. Jimmy asked Lucy to be his friend. “No” said Lucy. “You are too scary.”
    Jimmy continued his walk sadly. He walked and walked too the edge of the wood. He finally arrived at the seashore. Then, he met Lilo Turtle.
    “You look so sad, why?” asked Lilo to Jimmy.
    “Nobody wants to be my friend. I know that I am scary and have sharp spines,” said Jimmy sadly. “I want to ask you too, but I know it’s useless,”  he added.
    “I want to be your friend,” said Lilo.
Jimmy was surprised by Lilo’s answer. He did not believe what he has just heard.
    “I am sorry, would you mind to repeat that again?” asked Jimmy.
    “I want to be you friend,” replied Lilo
    “Really,” asked Jimmy again.
    “Yes” said Lilo. “Don’t you see, I have a shell on my back? It will protect me  from your spine,” added Lilo. “We can meet each other, talking, walking,  and playing everyday. That what’s friend do, isn’t it?”
    Finally, Jimmy found a friend who understands him. Jimmy wasn’t lonely anymore. They walk along the seashore happily.